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Holiday Activities and Games

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It's time for Diwali!

October 29th - November 2nd, 2024

Rangoli art Rangoli art

The five days of the 2024 festival : Oct 29th - Nov 2nd

Scroll on down for Diwali Games!

This is a diya/deepa, an Indian festival lamp:

Avali means a row of something: Lamps!

Diya + avali = Diwali!

Celebrate The Festival of Light!
One billion Indians can't be wrong!


Women making a rangoli.
What's a rangoli?


Happy Diwali


All about Diwali from Nat Geo Kids

Wonderful photos and information (keep scrolling down!) about the Diwali holiday.

  • History of Diwali
  • What does the holiday symbolize?
  • Who is Lakshmi? What is the purpose of the lamps?
  • What does Diwali mean to other religions of India?
  • One common thread rings true—the festival marks the victory of good over evil.

    The Five Days of Diwali

  • First day - people clean the home and to shop for gold or kitchen utensils
  • Second day - people decorate their homes with clay lamps and create design
    patterns called rangoli on the floor using colored powders or sand.
  • Third day is the main day (most important day) of the festival - Lakshmi puja, feasts, and fireworks
  • Fourth day is New Year's Day! Friends and relatives visit with gifts and best wishes for the season.
  • Fifth day is the last day. Brothers visit their married sisters who welcome them with love and a lavish meal.
  • Most of the above is from Nat Geo Kids - Most of what's below is from everywhere!

    Diwali Games and Activities! A whole bunch of Diwali goodies!

    About Diwali

    more about Diwali from NatGeo kids

    The US Senate officially recognized Diwali, the Festival of Lights,
    unanimously passing Senate Resolution 299 on November 14th 2007. :)

    Diwali from ActivityVillage Colouring, printables, puzzles, crafts, a dance lesson, more!

    Diwali Activities and Games from KidsGen has a lot of activities and
    some crafts, also easy home games.

    Diwali Lesson Plans & Games for Kids
    from Mr. Donn. Yes, lesson plans!
    A list of links, and recipes, too. Also clip art.


    Diwali Activities for kids and teachers from kiddyhouse - with lesson plans.
    Explains Diwali, has traditional recipes for different days; arts and crafts let
    kids try rangoli art (About Rangoli, rangoli designs, and how to make a rangoli),
    hennaed hands and feet (mendi) online. Also stories (A simplified excerpt from
    the Ramayana), art, crafts, clipart, and lesson plans.


    Until next year - Subh Diwali!


    black cat & jack o' lantern Halloween Game Sites! These have lots of online games, dressups, some art, some printouts, songs to sing, etc., for kids' fun!


    baby bat


    Nine Halloween games from ABCya! The games are: Make a Pumpkin, Pumpkin Carving, Pumpkin Matching, Halloween Word Search, Halloween Crossword Puzzle, Ghost Typing, Letter Match uppercase/lowercase, Cute Puzzle Witch, and Scary Path.


    50 Halloween Craft Ideas For Preschool from No Time for Flashcards Crafty stuff for the younger set. Includes some math activities.


    600+ Free Halloween Fonts from little kid scary to adult scary, here are 440 fonts, free for you to download. Adults, 1 or 2 may have inappopriate words, so preview them first.


    Halloween from Activity Village Printables, colouring, crafts, costume ideas, and more.


    Halloween from GirlsGoGames A lot of games with links to even more!


    Halloween from Primary Games


    Halloween Math Activities for Kids from No Time for Flashcards A list of fun and crafty hands-on math activities for the littler kids, full of manipulatives. There are more at the bottom of the page under More Fun & Learning.


    Halloween Songs and Activities for Calendar Time We found this page at Fantastic Fun and Learning, where there are hundreds of activities, crafts, songs, movement, dances, arty things, ideas, and many links; all pre-K and K related. They, in turn, got these from similar sites. Very, very nice. Check out the Skeleton Dance!


    Halloween Music & Songs by Preschool Education Over 90 poems and songs for Halloween, with lyrics. This site also has fall themes, pages for other holidays, coloring pages, crafts, and plenty of other pre-K things.


    Halloween Songs, Poems, and Fingerplays by Pre-K Fun. 16 songs and poems for little ones to sing along, act out, finger play, get craftsy with, and whatever else your creativity finds to do with them. Includes all the lyrics. Pre-K Fun looks like a site worth several visits.


    We found this page at Fantastic Fun and Learning, where there are hundreds of activities, crafts, songs, movement, dances, arty things, ideas, and many links; all pre-K and K related. They, in turn, got these from similar sites. Very, very nice. Check out the Skeleton Dance!


    Preschool Halloween Songs and Music from Everything Preschool. "Our Preschool Halloween Songs and Music contains the most complete Early Childhood Education Halloween Songs and Music Ideas on the internet." Has lyrics for twelve Halloween songs. This site also has Halloween crafts, games, preschool science (counting and crafts), five printable coloring pages, lots of well organized recipes for gross Halloween stuff, and bulletin board activities. Everything Preschool also has lesson plans and themes for teacher's use. "Our site contains Over 30,000 Preschool Education Activities Separated into over 100 Themes, 26 Alphabet Areas, & Lesson Plans."

  "is amongst the best websites for kids' activities.
    We offer you coloring pages that you can either print or do
    online, drawings and drawing lessons, various craft activities
    for children of all ages, videos, games, songs and even
    wonderful readings for bedtime."


    Spooky Scary Skeleton Coloring Pages for Kids and Adults
    from Two Kids and a coupon.
    With a wide variety of pages, these are hours of coloring fun to have!
    Celebrate spooky season with these spooky scary skeleton coloring
    pages for kids and adults. Print them for your family.


    Just Dance 3 This is Halloween from Family Friendly Gaming which
    "is sharing this game play video for Just Dance 3"

    The Skeleton Dance from Super Simple Songs are good dances
    for kids to get their wiggles out!


    In the old days, the holiday was spelled "Hallowe'en"



    I AM ... DRACULA!

    Wrong, sports fans!
    I, Vlad the Impaler, claim that title!!

    In a pig's eye! I, Vlad the Hero,
    am the one you seek!

    And then there's THIS guy!





    Animated-Dancing-Leprechaun-1.gif Saint Patrick's Day! Animated-Dancing-Leprechaun-1.gif



    St. Patrick's Day Games from A Kid's Heart


    St. Patrick's Day Activities & Games from Apples 4 the Teacher has coloring, puzzles, a memory game, and lots of printables including fairy tales.


    Saint Patrick's Day Activities from DLTK. Cards, coloring, crafts, games, poems, printables, recipes, worksheets, and links!

    St. Patrick's Day Craft Party! Step by step with photos Making crafts for the holiday followed by a treasure hunt around the house and yard to find clue cards. Easy to adapt to a classroom.


    St. Patrick's Day Games from Primary Games. They have plenty of fun games, and coloring pages, too.



    lamblamb HAPPY EASTER! lamblamb




    30+ Easter Egg Decorating Ideas
    from A Pumpkin and a Princess.


    Dyed Minion Easter Eggs An egg-decorating tutorial from
    A Pumpkin and a Princess
    that walks you through the steps.


    Easter Activities, Crafts, and Games from Apples 4 the Teacher. Poems, puzzles, coloring, crafts, recipes, printables, worksheets, and more.


    Easter Activities from DLTK. Cards, coloring, crafts, dyeing easter eggs, games, poems, printables, recipes, worksheets, and links!


    Pinterest-button.png Easter Craft - Easter projects for all ages. A part of Kidfolio. 53 pins of various projects with differing levels of difficulty and media. Plenty of egg projects included.


    Easter Fun from Squigly's Playhouse. Includes 21 arcade games, matching, word games, puzzles, and coloring.


    Easter Games from Primary Games. Over 15 games plus puzzles and coloring!


    Interactive Easter Game eCards from Blue Mountain. 19 free interactive little fun games for kids, from the Blue Mountain greeting cards people. They emailed us about their games! Thanks!



    Pinterest-button.pngPrintable Easter Coloring Pages from sheknows has 20 different pages for children to color. It is easier to Save these and then print your saved copies. The younger kids love to color these.


    Top 10 Easter Crafts for Kids from Craftulate. A nice list, with photos and directions, of 10 craftsy things little fingers can make for Easter.





    Click to scroll down to "regular" Christmas links

    or just scroll on down!


    Wishing you a happy Yule and a bright solstice!


    Sunday, December 5th is

    Krampus Night!


    Click on either picture to watch a NarGeo video about the Krampus


    December 13 is Lucia Day

    Christmas in Sweden

    Rick Steves' European Christmas: Norway

    "December 13th was also the Winter Solstice, the shortest day of the year, in the old
    'Julian' Calendar, so a pagan festival of lights in Sweden was turned into St. Lucia's Day".

    The Solstice Lady
    Germanic Goddesses of Winter:
    Holda, Frau Holle, Perchta or Berchta
    Same goddess, different names



    Menorah Chanukah (Hanukkah) dreidel

    When Does Hanukkah Start in 2024?

    Chanukah (Hanukkah) 2024 starts at nightfall on December 25, 2024
    and ends with nightfall on January 2, 2025, beginning on the Hebrew
    calendar date of 25 Kislev, and lasting for eight days.

    . Chanukah is the Jewish eight-day, wintertime “festival of lights,”
    celebrated with a nightly menorah lighting, special prayers and fried foods
    source =

    Hannukah a video by Miyam Bialik, PhD. and TV star! Humourous and accurate!
    How to Light the Menorah (Do it right!)
    Want to know more? Go to
    Everything about Chanukah basics, history, customs, ceremonies, recipes, kids games.

    What Really Happens on Hanukkah Night in our Orthodox Sephardic Jewish Home | Hanukkah Home Tour

    26 More Easy Christmas Ornaments for Toddlers and Preschoolers from Happy Hooligans. "26 MORE easy Christmas ornaments that are quick to set up and simple to do! All of the homemade ornaments in this collection are perfect for last minute Christmas crafting sessions, and if your kids like to give hand-made goodies to friends and relatives, these make terrific little gift and gift-toppers."


    Pinterest150 Christmas Crafts for Kids to Do has a variety of kid-friendly craft projects. Different levels of difficulty for different age and ability levels.


    Christmas in the Middle Ages "This feature looks at the origins of Christmas and how it was celebrated in the Middle Ages. It includes links to articles related to this topic." Three short videos discuss Origins, What went on at Christmas, Christmas Plays, Christmas Carols. Each has a short text of the same name. Excellent videos! There's also a section about Christmas trees, and some good links at the end.


    Crystallized Icicle Ornaments with Borax

    icecicle ornaments for preschool-

    Make shimmering crystallized icicle ornaments with
    pipe cleaners, Borax and water! It's a classic science
    experiment and a Christmas craft all in one! From
    Happy Hooligans
    "Crafts and Activities for Toddlers and Preschoolers". Naughty or Nice list

    Check out the Naughty or Nice list at!


    Christmas from GirlsGoGames Lots of games with links to even more!


    Christmas from Primary Games
    What else needs saying? It's Primary Games, so you know they'll have
    TONS of games and plenty of other things to see and do.


    Christmas Around the World - Christmas Cultures from why
    "Find out about Christmas Traditions around the world and how Christmas
    is celebrated in different countries and cultures." There's a list of 60 countries to click on!


    December Holidays section of Appless4theTeacher. This covers classroom activities and games for:
    Hanukkah, Winter, Christmas Fun, Religious Christmas, Kwanzaa, and New Year's. Good collection in one place.


    Merry-Christmas online games selection.


    North Pole Excellent site, many sections, Elf Academy has good games for making change and telling time.


    Santa Claus Animation Station "Santa Claus Christmas Website for Kids. Celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa with SANTA CLAUS, Elves and Reindeer. An Animated, Interactive, FREE North Pole Christmas Tradition Since 1996!" Animations, videos, songs, and more games that you can shake a stick at! Where else can you watch Santa play beach volleyball?

    Free Santa Claus Games NOT Flash games. Playable on all devices!


    Six White Boomers - a unique Santa song from Australia! (with lyrics)

    Listen to the song here!



    Click on the pic to see Santa dancing at a powwow (video)!

    A "drum" is a team of drummers who play at powwows. once had a
    list of 1,432 drums from all over North America. Much like rock bands, some drums
    constantly change people and names; others go on for years just adding younger
    family members. There are two main styles: Northern and Southern.
    For more information, is a good place to start.

    Las Posadas

    In the Philippines, it's called Panunulúyan!

    Celebrating the Nativity, Dec 16 -24. December 24th, Christmas Eve, is
    called Nochebuena in Mexico.

    So let Mary and Joseph in and bust those piñatas, kiddos!


    Celebrating Christmas with 13 trolls
    "The Icelandic Christmas period is an intriguing mixture
    of religious practice and traditional folklore, beginning
    on 23 December and ending on Epiphany, 6 January.
    As many countries do, Iceland celebrates Chrismas
    mostly with good food and gifts to loved ones, but
    unlike most countries that have a single
    Father Christmas / Santa Claus character, Icelandic
    children are fortunate enough to be visited by
    13 Yule Lads. Other Christmas stories are rather bleak
    in nature, perhaps reflecting the harshness of winter and
    the isolation of the community in previous centuries."


    Thanksgiving Games Sites


    15 Terrific Turkey Crafts A list of 15 turkey activities for little hands, collected from around the web by
    Simply Today
    These are scattered around the crafts section. If you don't see what you're looking for, click the Next Page button at thed bottom of that page.
    Ingredients are common craftsy and household items. Victoria says: "Thanksgiving is just right around th
    e corner and one of the best things are the fun Terrific Turkey Crafts that the kiddos are able to share with family members. I love hanging my girls fall art work on our walls to show our family friends their creativity. Check out some of the fun turkey crafts below for some inspiration this Thanksgiving!"

  "is amongst the best websites for kids' activities. We offer you coloring pages
    that you can either print or do online, drawings and drawing lessons, various craft activities for
    children of all ages, videos, games, songs and even wonderful readings for bedtime."





    Thanksgiving Games from Primary Games 20+ games, 6 coloring pages, more.


    Thanksgiving Word Search and three more activities from ABCya!




    throbbing heart Valentine's Day! Like Heart


    Valentine Heart









    Valentine's Day Candy Puzzle (WARNING: NOW A PAY SITE) for K-1's from ABCya! Fun little 1:1 correspondence game, put the candy back in the box. It talks, too.

    unionjack.jpgValentine's Day Crafts from Activity Village This well known British site has over 50 activities, a long list of Printables, and a large collection of original Valentine's Day colouring pages and cards! Serving your online needs since 2000!


    Valentine's Day Games for Girls from from GirlsGoGames Two pages of games with links to even more!


    Valentine's Day Games from Primary Games. A dozen online games and puzzles.


    Valentine's Day Games (WARNING: Site very hard to access)from Apples 4 the Teacher. Nine online games including a Titanic dressup game and The Scared Groom game.


    Valentine's Day Activities from DLTK. Cards, coloring, crafts, games, poems, printables, recipes, worksheets, and links!


    PinterestKids' Arts & Crafts - Valentine's Day A good Pinterest page on the subject. If you want new ideas, you can always check Pinterest. There is something on this page for everyone.(WARNING: Acccess is erratic and problematic)









    Kids, I am bored! Let's play games!









    The Story of Chanukah


    MenorahChanukah/Hanukkah for kids.

    Children's Crafts


    Recipes for Kids




    Chanukah Games including Dreidel Spin



    Dreidel - music video by Jewish a cappella group Shir Soul



    Menorah2Chanukah for adults

    Basics - What is Chanukah?

    How To - light menorahs, play dreidel, recipes, more


    Credit for most of this =



    Things to make on St. Lucia's Day from

    Read about St. Lucia's Day in Sweden from

    Las Posadas

    In the Philippines, it's called Panunulúyan!

    Celebrating the Nativity, Dec 16 -24.

    So let Mary and Joseph in and bust those piñatas, kiddos! Various piñata designs



    Cinco de Mayo kids

    Cinco de Mayo from Apples4theteacher


    Cinco de Mayo Activities for the Classroom - Unit of Study. Games, Coloring Pages, Crafts for Kids, Word Searches

    “Viva El Cinco de Mayo!” The Battle of Puebla

    Battle of Puebla short video









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